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Production Time
Please allow 7 to 10 days production time. We will send you tracking information as soon as your shipment is sent. If an item is not available, we will let you know immediately. Customer agrees that it will not hold Orleans Embroidery accountable for delays in delivery due to acts of God or other circumstances over which we have no direct control.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card and Paypal Cards. We will not charge your credit card until your order has shipped. We ”authorize” your card once your order is ready to go into production.

Sales taxes
Orleans Embroidery is required by law to collect all applicable state and local taxes for goods and services shipped to Louisiana.

If you are not happy with your order because the product is defective or ”not as promised” please contact us within 30 days of your purchase”s arrival and we will rerun your order or refund your money. We will pay the shipping to get the problem product returned. We will work with you to be sure you”re 100% satisfied.

Order Cancellation
We will make every effort, upon your request, to change or cancel your order. If the order has not yet started the production process, no additional change or cancellation fees will be applied. We do not accept unauthorized returns. If any problem arises, please call us immediately.

Pricing / Stock
We will make our best efforts to keep our site up to date, but from time to time prices may change. We reserve the right to change prices on the site at anytime. Some items shown on our website may not currently be available or in stock.